Every girl from childhood dreams of wedding and imagines a beautiful snow-white wedding dress and prince, the man of her dreams. Although wedding images change with age, the main values and goals of becoming a queen on her wedding, of course, remain! 

The choice of dress, rings, jewellery, car, bride's bouquet, photographer ... so much pleasant pre-holiday fuss. And now the dream has come true, a bride is in a beautiful fairytale dress, an elegant groom, family and loved ones, and special euphoria of love and affection for each other, of which one can feel giddy.

Wedding photo book, an exclusive photo album with printed wedding photos, is a great souvenir for many years.

Holiday passed and left only fond memories and, of course, wedding photos that you view with pleasure in quiet and comfortable family evenings. All that was in my life too before I became involved in design, manufacture and print of photo books. The photos were kept in computer folders and posted in social networks.

Sometimes I liked to look at them. They were opened by one mouse click, but such a review couldn’t be compared with the sensation of keeping photos in hands. Photos on a computer screen are as if inanimate, they convey neither cheer mood of the magical day nor special beauty and enchantment. You might think, why not print photos and insert them in the album? Surely you can. However, it is much more interesting and pleasant to keep and leaf through a photo book which reflects the important events of your life and your most sincere emotions.

Wedding photo book is a masterpiece of a photographer. It tells your story, the start of your married life in pictures.

Your sincere smiles, happiness and tears of joy will remain forever in the pages of photo book and will many years remind of pleasant moments of your wedding day. You will show it first to your children and then to grandchildren.
If you liked my photographs, I encourage you to take advantage of my offer. I do professional outdoor photos, which may be in addition to reportage wedding. Wedding session can also take place without ordering a full coverage of the wedding. For more information please contact me.